Thursday 21 August 2014

30 Things That Travelling Europe Taught Me

  1. Humans are obsessed with finding free internet.
    Travellers swarm to WiFi hotspots like seagulls swarm left-over fish and chips.
  2. You meet some of the most amazing people whilst travelling.
  3. There is an Irish pub in every flipping European city.
  4. Wear sun cream.
    Nobody wants a tomato for a face.
  5. Don't waste time by pondering over something, go with your instinct and DO IT.
    You don't want to regret not doing something later on in your journey.
    Whether it be going for a salsa lesson, climbing a mountain, abseiling down a mountain or skydiving over one.
  6. Don't let money dictate your travels.
    There is an important middle ground between being cheap and being wasteful. It's better to spend a little more money for a better experience. At the end of the day, that is what we're left with; the memories and not the money. That doesn't mean spending your money mindlessly, there are still amazing things to do for free. And it's always worth haggling!
  7. Your past does not define you.
  8. 'Must sees' are biased.
    If you're going to a landmark just because 'lonelyplanet' told you to and not because you genuinely want to, then don't bother. Doing what YOU want is much more fulfilling and worthwhile. 
  9. Toilets abroad are weird.
    From toilets with no seats to sit on, to a just a hole in the floor, to robotic toilet cleaners, to not being able to put the toilet paper in the toilet. The surprises are never ending...

  10. Let others know you appreciate them. Especially the locals! After all, we are visiting their place of residence. Particularly in Greece, I found that the locals would go out of their way to please you. Which leads me on to number eleven..
  11. Smiles are a universal language and cost nothing.
  12. Be optimistic.
    Being a pessimist irritates others and is only holding you back from making the most of your time.
  13. Sleeping in a tent isn't all that bad.
    Nothing beats laying in your tent in the middle of a thunder storm with your new best friends. Best feeling ever. But camping has made me much more appreciative of my bed. A burst air bed is not the nicest.
  14. Don't over plan.
    As an obsessive planner, I like to know exactly what I will be doing, when I will be doing it and who with. However, travelling like that gets boring! Spontaneous adventures are always the best.
  15. Australians call us Brits "pommies." 
    Why had I never heard this before?! And why do Australians insist that they are wearing THONGS on their feet?!
  16. Getting ill whilst travelling is the worst.
    Especially when it's gastro and you have a ten hour bus journey ahead of you.
  17. You really can make lifelong friends on your travels.
    Travelling allows you to meet a ton of amazing people who love travelling just as much as you do.  You’ll form bonds so strong that things like distance and time won’t matter. Which inevitably leads to many painful goodbyes but with technology today, maintaining international friendships is easy. Plus, having friends all over the world is never a bad thing!
  18.  Having a Pepsi Max addiction is tough whilst travelling (impossible to find).
    Coke Zero just isn't the same.
  19. Paying for toilets will never become less annoying.
  20. It's a small world after all.
    Who knew we could share bizarre interests with people from the other side of the world?
    Who thought you could bump into 2 old school friends at a bar in Budapest?!
  21. No where is quite like home. That is why you must travel.
  22. Don't feel guilty for having a break from your travels.
    Travelling IS tiring! We are only human and our bodies need rest. Whilst making the most of your trip is essential, so is staying well. And if your body can't hack it, take a break for a bit. I certainly did... (a day..or two sunbathing on a boat was much needed).
  23. Be appreciative of a half-decent shower.
  24. Setting up camp away from the toilets + a weak bladder = recipe for disaster.
  25. Getting lost can be fun. (Especially in Venice) 
  26. Be adventurous with your food and embrace the local cuisine. 
    Don't be boring and go to food chains that you could go to back at home. Food markets tend to sell the best food! (Cheaper than a lot of restaurants too!)
  27. If a gypsy throws a 'baby' at you, don't catch it. 
    You will encounter many poverty stricken families, particularly in the most tourist areas, and unfortunately some will do all they can to get money. Of course not everybody is like this but better to be safe than sorry!
  28. Let go. *cue Frozen lyrics*
  29. Travelling is addictive.
    I have just booked another trip to Morocco. And then to Barcelona. Oh and back to Amsterdam as well. Oops.
  30. Slow down and look around you. 
    The world is pretty amazing.