Saturday 5 September 2015

A Swarm of Metaphorical Ignorance

Firstly, let me address those who are causing the blood of many to boil:

To those who have ever used disparaging words and comments (David Cameron, Katie Hopkins, writers of most tabloids, trolls on twitter, Nigel Farage etc etc):
 I thought you'd already be aware but if you are not, but the dehumanizing language you have used when talking about this crisis has acted as a catalyst for this anti-refugee and anti-migrant sentiment. 

Furthermore, this has led to false understanding of WHY people are trying to make their way to Europe. Creating blockades, labelling people as nothing more than numbers? Is this really 2015?

I don't hold any authorative power, I don't have loads of money, I am not famous in any sort of way, in fact nobody may read this. (Thank you to the moon and back if you are). But I do have a voice, and like many others, speaking out about how change needs to happen sure is better than sitting back and scrolling past a photo of a young boy, son, brother, friend, child - washed up on the beach. 

As we are continually being reminded, Great Britain is  experiencing a "#migrantcrisis", (thank you social media for branding this global issue). Even David Cameron is contributing to this unprecedented issue by emphasising that we are being 'swarmed' by migrants, as if to say that soon these human beings are going to  be destroying our crops or eating holes in our curtains. 

  • If your child was being badly bullied at school and nothing was getting done about it, you would do your best to send them to a new school that would take better care of them.
  • If you got a place to study the most awesome degree of your dreams at University in Washington, you would do all you could do to take that opportunity of being an international student.
  • If you had been made redundant from your job and  no other jobs in your area were open, you would look for career opportunities further afield, and perhaps move to a new city.
  • If there had been a life shattering natural disaster or there was severe crime, ongoing devastating war or threats of persecution occurring where you live, I doubt you would continue to live there.
    Especially if nothing was being done about it.

But you see, there are many 'legal' migrants within out communities, most of whom you wouldn't even consider referring to as 'migrants'. How have we allowed this universal hierarchy to evolve? We, or at least I, sure do take it for granted living in a hospitable, free, prosperous country. It is a privilege that British citizens and legal migrants have a roof over our heads, that we have 24 hour access to free healthcare, that we can just walk to a shop to buy some bread. So what makes it acceptable for us to be allowed such assumed benefits yet those travelling land and sea at their own risk are denoted and condemned for. 

Yet increasingly more so, we are being bombarded by the fact that each of these four million refugees (who by the way, are suffering the effects of a war that they hold no part in), are going to be a burden to us. 

Blame is fired in their direction, they are shamed and treated like criminals for something they hold no responsibility for. They are risking everything to achieve, if not the best possible quality life for themselves, then the chance to escape the hell ridden conflict that they have been made innocent victims of. 

It's been reported that over the past two months around 44,000 people tried to cross from Greece in Macedonia. This 'clash' has resulted in RAZOR WIRE being put up around the border to stop them crossing, as though they are animals being farmed?! At border crossings and train stations the helpless are being treated like rioters. What happened to compassion? What happened to 'treat those as you would be treated'? 

We can sit around and argue the pro's and con's of accepting refugees and migrants into our country, but then what? They can't go back to where they came from. Do you really think a mother would risk her own child's life just because she fancied hopping across the border for a cup of tea or a filling in her molar?

Yes housing is an issue. Yes jobs are being cut. But we are living on the same bloody planet and these people need our help. 

Apologies if this has just been a mindless rant but this planet needs a kick up the bum. 

P.S Big up to the thousands of European citizens supplying food and shelter to many of the refugees, and opening their arms to our neighbours. 
(Everybody needs good neighbours). 

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