Wednesday 14 January 2015

Another Pint Gargler Standing for PM?

It appears that Nigel Farage will not be the only pint-downing 'politician' at this year's general election. 

In a battle of the binge drinker, Britain's favoured pub landlord, Al Murray, will be standing against Nigel Farage in South Thanet.
Yes, Al Murray. No this isn't a joke.
We all got fairly roused by the prospect of Russell Brand being Prime Minister of Great Britain, but did we ever consider an acclaimed comedian, renowned for his inebriated character, would ACTUALLY take on the government?!

This won't be his usual type of stand-up; Murray plans to stand for his newly established political party FUKP, (Free United Kingdom Party) as he announced in a recent video posted on YouTube saying;

"It seems to me that the UK is ready for a bloke waving a pint around offering common sense solutions.” 

It is rather hilarious, scary yes, but I can't help but find this rather amusing. When I first heard about this rather exciting proposal, I thought perhaps it was going to be Alistair Hay, the 'actual' man behind the character of Al Murray, stepping out of his 'Guv' shoes and into his 'Gov' brogues. But no, it will in fact be his alter ego, popular pub landlord character.

So what can we expect from Al?
Educated at Oxford University, he has initiated a plan of action:
  • 1p pints (gutted, I hate beer).
  • He has pledged that "the UK will leave Europe by 2025 and the edge of the Solar System by 2050. Common Market sense." 
  • Revaluing the pound coin as £1.10 - cha-ching! 
  • Boris Johnson to put on an island. 
  • And of course, to win over the voters, South Thanet to be made the new capital of the UK. The rest of his incredibly, revolutionary policies can be found on his website :

It's safe to say that this years general election is going to be interesting...

On that note please make sure you register to vote! Or don't complain when Nigel Farage is taking over the world...

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