Tuesday 6 January 2015

New Year: New Calender

I'm sure I'm not the only person who  adopts an aloof attitude during the New Year period regarding the "new year, new me" declaration. Ever the pessimist, I disregard the significance of a new year. That's not to say I don't love new years celebrations (any excuse for a party...) but each year when I scroll down my twitter feed reading vow upon vow of changes people are pledging to make, I can't help but roll my eyes. Illness plus procrastination (and general laziness) has resulted in a life-lacking, boring potato called Molly. Since launching RockAndMole I have blogged a feeble amount of SIX TIMES. Due to lack of motivation and anxiety of what people think about my writing, I have prevented any chance of improving not just this blog, but life as a whole.

However, after a blog binge on New Years day, I felt somewhat regretful towards the opportunities I have thrown away over the past couple of years. I read numerous posts from bloggers, not just about how they are going to revamp their lifestyle, but highlighting key points of what they achieved in 2014. Yes I did have a jam-packed 2014; travelling through Europe and starting university but have I have much sense of Carpe Diem? 
Driving through the countryside the other day, on route back to university in Cardiff, I had a 'gazing out the window, pretending I'm in a music video' moment and suddenly felt motivated and excited about the year ahead.
So what will I be doing about this?

I love writing but I haven't given myself anything to write about. I'm going to make it an obligation to write every week. Whether or not I put it into a blog is irrelevant; but actually making plans, going out and finding things to write about is going encourage me to make the most of my life, as opposed to being a social recluse in my teeny, tiny, lava-lamp lit university bedroom and binging on Netflix.

It sounds obvious but being sociable; I want to meet new people this year. I am in my first year at university and what better time to be creating new friendships? Each person has their own stories, their own oddities, factors which I can feed off to make me even more eager to make the most of this year, (and every year after this year). And of course, not being such a lame/useless/semi-existent friend to the current wonderful humans in my life.

I appear to have developed a tendency in feeling sorry for myself, I often find myself reminiscing through old photos and videos of times where my life revolved around doing things because I enjoy them, not because I 'needed to be doing something with my life.' Be prepared for film reviews, shopping hauls, music recommendations or many politically - angry -  rants about things which I  feel very, perhaps TOO, strongly about (think feminism, animal rights, mental health, and the evil, obscure specimen of 'Beliebers'.

I aspire to grow my ears, find the perfect pair of yellow tights and becoming besties with Mr Clause.

No, I do not mean going on some fad diet or suddenly training to be the next Tour de France, or a World Champion triathlon athlete. In order for the above actions to either take place, or perhaps the result of the above actions actually taking place, sorting out myself as a whole must be prioritised. And by 'whole', I don't just mean all my organs or BMI or blood pressure etcetera etcetera improving, above all, my mind. 

This isn't "goodbye 2014, hello 2015," it's a kick up the backside to get myself into gear. Because lets face it, being a bore is boring. 

*Ching ching*

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