Tuesday 3 February 2015

A Minute to be Grateful for Living in the UK

2013 saw the legislation of same-sex marriage in England and Wales and came into action in 2014, with Scotland following shortly after. A mighty triumph of the 21st Century, overriding the on-going issues of inequality, prejudice and human rights (or lack of) that have been wavering around in society for too long. We live in a country where LGBT is becoming more and more accepted.

However, a few miles across the ocean, this is not the case. 

Blindfolded and pushed off of a large tower block and then stoned to death by an onlooking crowd, for being a homosexual.

It has been reported in the news today that a man in his 50's was punished, was killed, for his sexuality by ISIS militants; unfortunately this is not a one-off in Syria. To put in to words how utterly wrong this is doesn't seem possible. ISIS even issued images of this execution for the public and in December it released copy of its penal code, which listed apparent "crimes" punishable by amputation, stoning and crucifixion. 

It's an event I cannot fathom and a situation in which evokes so much anger, frustration and injustice.

Whilst there is definitely still room for improvement in our nation regarding  equality and prejudice, lets be grateful for having freedom to be who we want and who we are. I am straight, I did not CHOOSE to be straight. A man  is gay, he did not CHOOSE to be gay. 

I'm keeping this short because I think the killing of a man for his sexuality speaks for itself.   

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